THE online school for
future | current | aspiring
Creative Leaders
Bringing the advertising industry closer to the business world.
Curating the best content to deliver 80% of the value of an executive MBA for 1% of the cost!
Curating the best content to deliver 80% of the value of an executive MBA for 1% of the cost!
Advertising careers and businesses fail
because of unskilled mid-level managers.
49% of mid-level managers quit due to stress and lack of guidance. Companies do not internally empower and nurture newly appointed managers, or help specialists advance their careers.
Break the cycle:
From suppliers to partners?
The solution to the current agency crisis has to start from the foundations!
A message from our CEO.
A message from our CEO.
Write your awesome label here.
The next step for any advertising professional
Level up today! Get the essence of what is needed to become a creative leader - whether of a small team, or a company that you manage.
Learn to be a leader with experienced lecturers from:
80% of the value for 1% of the cost!
Get the same knowledge, from the same lecturers, that your boss got in their fancy executive MBA course.
Start your journey, guided by the best of the industry, selected and curated to bring the best impact to your carreer
This isn't knowledge shotgunned at a wall. It's a sniper's kit: precise, focused, and potent.
Start your journey, guided by the best of the industry, selected and curated to bring the best impact to your carreer
This isn't knowledge shotgunned at a wall. It's a sniper's kit: precise, focused, and potent.
Current Seasons - don't miss the introductory offers!
Try before you buy
We know that our Seasons will help you elevate your career. But to make the choice easier, here's a free episode from David Slocum's Season "Creative Leadership Fundamentals". Sign up and start enjoying!

Perfectly curated for Creatives
Key to quality is certainty, not saturation of content. You will learn skills creative professionals need to stay ahead, whether starting a career, leading a team, or becoming the next entrepreneurial star.
Upgrade your career style
What brought you here won't get you there. Get ready for the next challenge before you start learning from your own mistakes.
At your own pace
Learn anytime and anywhere. Maintain contact with lecturers and learn at your own pace. Binge in a few days or absorb each episode slowly - the choice is yours.