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The ONLY online school for current and aspiring leaders, designed with creative, especially advertising and marketing, professionals in mind.
Here to change the way creative businesses are perceived and operated. Making high level business education accessible and attractive to a much wider variety of professionals. Striving to accelerate their success. 

Challenges in the industry

"You're just artists"

Creative workers suffer from the stigma that they are somehow disconnected from the business world, and are unable to understand the intricacies of running a business, pushing them away from the really important decisions.

Less feelings, more hustle

Entrepreneurs and early-stage company leaders focus religiously on product. Sustainability, impact on society and even talent management is way down the priority list, usually left to deal with "when there's time".

"You'll learn on the job"

Sadly, the Peter principle -
"Everyone's promoted to their level of incompetence" is very true.  Great specialists are pulled out of their environment and promoted to lead teams without any training or preparation, hoping that their proficiency in their field will somehow help.

"Suits" vs. "Workers"

The C Suite, Management, Corporate and other synonims of senior leadership have become derogatory terms, describing someone who is out of touch with the actual business. But maybe it goes both ways? Maybe introducing workers on the shop floor to challenges that management has to deal with daily would help increase mutual trust and understanding? 

Leaving money on the table

Low employee engagement can influence up to 20% of the company's bottom line.
And 70% of variance in employee engagement is determined solely by their manager. (Gallup)
Unfortunately, most middle managers don’t have adequate leadership skills, so their actions are more likely to be interpreted as micromanaging without providing the right tools and direction.

What's the point?

People want to understand the bigger picture. They want to feel like their work matters. However, most employees are rarely aware about how their actions impact the broader results of the company. 
The person who has to make sure this happens is usually not the CEO, but the mid-level manager, who doesn't have the skills needed to clearly understand and communicate that to their team. 

A simple and elegant solution

With the help of technology we can bring the knowledge previously reserved for people who have reached a relatively high point in their careers to a much wider and diverse group of employees. Why wait for someone to become a senior executive in the creative industry to start teaching them the principles of leading an organisation? Why wait for a startup founder to learn from their mistakes and hearsay, and hope that they reach a point where they are able to afford expensive business education BEFORE they make one mistake too many?


Curate the best content

Curation trumps abundance. We've handpicked the legends of leadership — the ones who've not only lectured in hallowed halls but also walked the high-wire of high-stakes business. They bring wisdom that's not just heard, but earned. Choice? It's about choosing right, not choosing all.


Make it accessible

An MBA at a campus is a ritual, an expensive pilgrimage. But here’s a secret: the real magic is in the learning, not the lawn you're walking on. We bring the brains, not the bricks. The cost isn't the catch — the catch is the content, delivered without the gatekeepers of high tuition. This is where barriers drop, and leaders rise. 


Make it bingeable

The fact that it's on the internet doesn't mean that the production value can be an afterthought. No one wants to stare at another talking head on their PC. 
We are bringing the online class experience to a completely different level. The classes in C school are more comparable to a Netflix docuseries than your ordinary Zoom call. 
And, by retaining a live component (quarterly "office hours" with the professors) we are creating an experience that is going to change the way people understand leadership, providing them with answers BEFORE they are forced to learn from their own mistakes. 

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