Management Accounting for Creative Leaders
Author: Werner Seebacher
Level: Beginner
Study time: 20 hours
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Video time: 1.5 hours
Exams: 1
▶ Financial Literacy: Unlock the secrets of accountants! Quickly grasp financial statements to make smarter creative project decisions.
▶ Effective Planning: Demystify the Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss-Account. Delve into their content, structure, and significance, exploring their interconnectedness.
▶ No More Pretending: Uncover the true meaning behind ratios/KPIs like EBIT, EBT, PBT, POA, and EBITDA, applying them practically through real-world scenarios.
▶ Extensive Exercises: go through real-life scenarios applying accounting basics and earn your certificate by passing the exam!
Unlock the secrets of accountants! No need to be one; we provide clear instructions and practical advice.
Discover the connections between Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Account with engaging case studies.
Understand how your company, and your clients', truly operate.
Gain CFO knowledge and speak the language of CEOs.
Discover the connections between Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Account with engaging case studies.
Understand how your company, and your clients', truly operate.
Gain CFO knowledge and speak the language of CEOs.
Fast Accounting Mastery for Creative Leaders
Over 90 minutes of captivating content
Beginner level
Practical guides,
Case Study Walkthroughs
Lecturer has over 30 years experience in Financial management. Managing partner of Seebacher Management Consulting Gmbh.
Best suited for mid-to-upper-level oraspiring managers; business owners;
graduates entering the market.
Pay once - get a life-time access.
Delve into Season 2: Management Accounting for Creative Leaders
Boost your understanding of accounting from the ground up.
You'll pick up how to decode financial data, get the gist of what it's all about, and really get to grips with how a company is doing, way beyond just looking at what they're spending and earning.
Metrics will no longer be curse-words
Uncover the true meaning behind ratios/KPIs like EBIT, EBT, PBT, POA, and EBITDA, applying them practically through real-world scenarios.
Ready to improve your financial decision-making?
Enhance your team and project management abilities with our straightforward accounting season. Discover how to improve decision-making and run projects more efficiently by grasping the basics of financial decision-making. Gain the know-how to blend your team's efforts with savvy financial management for superior outcomes.
Leaders who know how to read numbers are more credible
If you don't understand accounting, can you really claim your ideas will work for the business?
Creative professionals often face the stereotype of being detached from the business realm, lacking the insight to grasp the complexities of business management. This perception can sideline them from critical decision-making processes.
This Season of Management Accounting for Creative Leaders consists of actionable content giving you the tools to put some meat behind your strategies, ideas and plans.
Don't get blindsided by the CFO or accountants when discussing potential savings or investment opportunities.
Created by
Dr. Werner Seebacher
Werner Seebacher has been teaching Financial Management for more than 30 years, many of which he worked with various creative industry leaders. He is also a Managing Partner of Seebacher Management Consulting GmbH, which he founded in 2000.
Werner studied business administration at the University of Graz, where he earned his Master’s degree in 1988 and Doctor’s degree in 1993 and served as a university lecturer. After working for a number of years as a freelance management consultant, he founded his own company in 2000. Since 1999, Werner has served as a Professor for Financial Management at the Steinbeis University in Berlin.
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